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East Lake Creek Watershed

The East Lake Creek Watershed has two main tributaries that originate in the community of Elmira. East Lake Creek empties into East Lake, which drains into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

At a Glance

2573 hectare area
64.1% of watershed area is forested
209 hectares of land are owned by the PEI Government
Approximately 472 acres of agricultural land
14.1 km of stream
Not listed as a significant Atlantic salmon river

Stream Enhancement

SAB staff carried out extensive stream enhancement activities within the East Lake Creek watershed in 2013. The image below details our activities and observations within the watershed:

  • Red line - stream enhancement
  • Aqua blue circle - nuisance beaver removed
  • Green circle - abandoned beaver dam
  • Pink circle - active beaver dam
  • Black circle - natural blockage (removed)

Many species of wildlife make use of the habitats within the watersheds. The links below are resources and observations within the watershed.

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